Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Hey! It's been a while since I posted, so here we go again. Last Friday we had rehearsal for key scenes in the play which went very well. I think the relationships between the characters are beginning to come together and come to life. The relationships between certain characters in this story are critical, so getting them right is crucial! I haven't had much to do lately because we are working on the 2nd act and I am not in that act at all. That is good, however, because I am able to prepare myself for the last act by memorizing the lines and study the character changes that have taken place. There aren't too many, but enough that the audience should be able to see. I hope to make this character come to life in me for the audience, because that is my purpose as an actor: To take a character on a sheet of paper and bring him to life and be someone the audience can believe, relate to, and maybe even fall in love with.

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