Tuesday, July 2, 2013

First Movie!

I had the wonderful opportunity to work on the set of Rich Christiano's newest film, A Matter of Faith, set to release in the Spring of 2014.  Rich Christiano is the writer and director of The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry and Time Changer.   I was privileged to be an extra in this movie, and will even have some screen time!

I also had the pleasure of meeting Clarence Gilyard, Jr. of Matlock and Walker, Texas Ranger fame. He was very down-to-earth and very soft-spoken. I appreciated the time we had to talk and work together.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hi Everyone!

  I had the opportunity last Saturday to have some headshots done by my friend, Elizabeth Marlowe at the Naperville Riverwalk.  She is an excellent photographer and I highly recommend her if you need someone for your photo shoot.   Her website is www.ehmphotography.com.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Good Evening!

  I am delighted to announce the latest theatrical production coming from Midwest Homeschool Fine Arts. 

This coming May I will be directing and acting in an adaptation of Charles Dickens' story, Nicholas Nickleby. 

Production has just begun and as we get things underway, I want to publicly thank my redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, for giving me the opportunity to serve these young people and teach them, not only about acting, but how to live for Christ through my example.  May the Lord use me to be a godly influence on the lives of these students entrusted to my care.

Keep an eye open for more information regarding the play, including performance dates and updates to the production.

God bless!