Saturday, August 18, 2012

Encore Performances

Hello Everyone! 

 I am pleased to announce that the Midwest Homeschool Fine Arts Classic Players will be giving two encore performances of the comedy, "Headin' for a Weddin'" by Le Roma Greth, on Thursday, August 30th, and Friday, August 31st at 7:00 p.m. at Family of Faith Church in Monee.

When we did the performance in May, I could tell that everyone loved it. The story was enchanting and funny, the set was very rustic, and the actors did a marvelous job.  Immediately after the performance, people were coming up to me and telling me we should do it again. What's really interesting is that even before the performance, people who were not going to be able to see the performance told me they really wish they could see it.  Most of this was from them just seeing the set.  Everybody was talking about the play and how funny it was going to be.  My students had a wonderful time and are super excited at the opportunity to give two more performances.

Another thing that is happening is that we are having the performance professionally recorded for DVD release.  I am happy that those who won't be able to come to the performance will be able to have their very own copy of the performance, so they won't miss out.  Just a little less than two weeks until production, and I can't wait!  It is going to be a wonderful time -- for everyone.