Tuesday, December 6, 2011

9/11: A Remembrance

Hello again!

Last Tuesday, I made my directing debut with the MHFA Classic Players in a production in memory of 9/11. This is the first time I have seriously directed anything theatrical, usually being on stage as an actor. It was a wonderful occasion. All the people I had the pleasure of working with did an outstanding job. I could see that they gave it everything they had to honor and remember those who died on September 11th, 2001 and those who risked everything to save those they could. It was a sober and reflective, yet hopeful presentation on the events of 9/11.

The audience was fully engaged and many were moved by the memories that were brought back. We received many compliments, one being: "The 911 tribute was so respectfully done, done with care and sensitivity. A vision well planned and carried out."

I appreciate the hard work of the actors, choir members, and others involved in this production.

Thank you and God bless America!!!!