Thursday, February 19, 2009

Production Dates Set

The dates for the production of The Woman in White have been set. The two performances will take place on Thursday June 4th, and Friday June 5th. Both performances will take place at 7:00 p.m. at Family of Faith Church in Monee, Illinois. We normally have our spring performances in May, but they have been pushed back this year, giving us time to better prepare. We are going to need the extra time too, because it is going to involve several special effects that will require careful planning. I think it will be a very good performance.

We also went through scenes 5 and 6 in the first Act yesterday, which went very well. You know you are becoming your character when the way you say your dialogue, the actions you do, etc., come naturally and the director doesn't have much to say, so I believe my character is really advancing.