Tuesday, July 2, 2013

First Movie!

I had the wonderful opportunity to work on the set of Rich Christiano's newest film, A Matter of Faith, set to release in the Spring of 2014.  Rich Christiano is the writer and director of The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry and Time Changer.   I was privileged to be an extra in this movie, and will even have some screen time!

I also had the pleasure of meeting Clarence Gilyard, Jr. of Matlock and Walker, Texas Ranger fame. He was very down-to-earth and very soft-spoken. I appreciated the time we had to talk and work together.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hi Everyone!

  I had the opportunity last Saturday to have some headshots done by my friend, Elizabeth Marlowe at the Naperville Riverwalk.  She is an excellent photographer and I highly recommend her if you need someone for your photo shoot.   Her website is www.ehmphotography.com.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Good Evening!

  I am delighted to announce the latest theatrical production coming from Midwest Homeschool Fine Arts. 

This coming May I will be directing and acting in an adaptation of Charles Dickens' story, Nicholas Nickleby. 

Production has just begun and as we get things underway, I want to publicly thank my redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, for giving me the opportunity to serve these young people and teach them, not only about acting, but how to live for Christ through my example.  May the Lord use me to be a godly influence on the lives of these students entrusted to my care.

Keep an eye open for more information regarding the play, including performance dates and updates to the production.

God bless!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Encore Performances

Hello Everyone! 

 I am pleased to announce that the Midwest Homeschool Fine Arts Classic Players will be giving two encore performances of the comedy, "Headin' for a Weddin'" by Le Roma Greth, on Thursday, August 30th, and Friday, August 31st at 7:00 p.m. at Family of Faith Church in Monee.

When we did the performance in May, I could tell that everyone loved it. The story was enchanting and funny, the set was very rustic, and the actors did a marvelous job.  Immediately after the performance, people were coming up to me and telling me we should do it again. What's really interesting is that even before the performance, people who were not going to be able to see the performance told me they really wish they could see it.  Most of this was from them just seeing the set.  Everybody was talking about the play and how funny it was going to be.  My students had a wonderful time and are super excited at the opportunity to give two more performances.

Another thing that is happening is that we are having the performance professionally recorded for DVD release.  I am happy that those who won't be able to come to the performance will be able to have their very own copy of the performance, so they won't miss out.  Just a little less than two weeks until production, and I can't wait!  It is going to be a wonderful time -- for everyone.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

First Video Project

Hi Again!

My brother Stephen and I put this little comedy sketch together a week ago and I decided to put it on my blog. I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

9/11: A Remembrance

Hello again!

Last Tuesday, I made my directing debut with the MHFA Classic Players in a production in memory of 9/11. This is the first time I have seriously directed anything theatrical, usually being on stage as an actor. It was a wonderful occasion. All the people I had the pleasure of working with did an outstanding job. I could see that they gave it everything they had to honor and remember those who died on September 11th, 2001 and those who risked everything to save those they could. It was a sober and reflective, yet hopeful presentation on the events of 9/11.

The audience was fully engaged and many were moved by the memories that were brought back. We received many compliments, one being: "The 911 tribute was so respectfully done, done with care and sensitivity. A vision well planned and carried out."

I appreciate the hard work of the actors, choir members, and others involved in this production.

Thank you and God bless America!!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cast Again!

Hello Everyone!

I have been cast as Henry Windsor in Overshadowed Theatrical Production's performances of The Match Girl. Opening night is Friday, November 25th, and we run through Saturday, December 17th. For more information, go to www.OvershadowedProductions.com

Hope you can make it!!!

God bless!!!!!